Monday, September 29, 2014

Exciting Stuff: Baby Arkhin's first meal

My baby starting moving on to solid when he was six months old. What made me felt excited was feeding him with those little spoon,pink lipped mouth covered with baby food and the happy giggles of my baby who loves cereals. I used to gave him cerelac mixed fruit and banana flavored.Yet, at first it was so hard to feed him because he used to oppose the food IDK if he likes the flavor or what. I had to called my hubby to performed a wiggle wiggle dance to let my baby focused and ate! Haha.

A 3 spoonful of cereal 3 times a day and a bottle of milk in between. I already changed his formula from S26 to S26 Gold and He loves it. 

Baby Arkhin eating cereal with a messy face!

He said: "Look Mama, I'd wipe it out!"