Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Arkhin's 1st birthday blast!

Nothing was more exciting to plan for a celebration for son's first birthday party! From the list of invites to cakes, balloons and comfort food made the celebration a fun-filled! And finally the long awaited day is here! The party's theme is in blue and red since arkhin likes spiderman! His 2-layered spidy cakes was made to order was so mouthwatering and flavorful. 

                                      Birthday theme is in blue and red (Spiderman Theme)

Oh! Say hi to the little pig

His 2 layered spidy cake

The give-aways

The Balloons

Comfort food

Spidy Mask

Everyone's invited

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Love Letter To Baby Arkhin

Dear Baby Arkhin,

Time flies so fast and now you are grown up and I love watching you grow everyday. You will be turning 10 months old this monday and I am so excited! Well, its probably all the way parents feel because we are now on a first birthday countdown! Too way exciting! Im on the fledge of planning for your birthday.

Look Up Picture

When I say "Show me your wacky face baby" and this is how your face looks like! haha. Simply dashingly handsome baby boy!

Obviously, green is his fav color.

It's Playtime!

With Friends

Crib for mommy and baby

So sweet of you!

Love at first bite 

When I see you smile I can face the world...

With SuperDad

Opppsss....guess,this cutie loves texting haha

Baby you continue to amaze me and your papa each day and we love you to the moon and back and beyond forever!

You're officially crawling and your good at it,wow!. You wake up early as 4am and you crawl over the top of me and your papa. You are simply amazing baby. You now say clearly mama, papa,bah bah, tah tah. You can now stand on your own on your crib and you had your first step and hoping that you will have your first walk next month. You enjoyed with your walker very much and cookie,biscuit and wafers are your favourites!

You like to walk like a pro
(Sorry,forgot to removed the tag,haha)

Baby loved to mouth the rail of his crib. It's too way dirty!Hold Baby! Be sure you would not drop off.

Obviously this cutie like sweets

You now know how to do "close open" with your small hands and if you hear me and papa or anyone else sing "if your happy and you know it" you will clap your hands and its too way amaziiiing! Your favorite song is old macdonald had a farm and twinkle twinkle little star the only tune that will drift off you to sleep. If you see me walk in or your papa you literally squeal as if to say pick me up mama! Pick me up papa!

Baby gets his first tooth at 7 months! He has now 6 teeth. 2 below and 4 above.

My Baby Model

Still look cute even though you've got that messy face!

Motherhood has changed me and my life. How drastic even small things like the fact that all of my pictures on my celphone used to be of me but now, all of my pictures on my phone was all about you baby. I was blessed with dashingly cute and handsome baby boy. 

I always thank GOD for you.

With Ate Sheina

I love you more each and everyday baby.

